


White Water Rafting

White Water Rafting
, some of the country's best white water rapids are in the Toraja Highlands. There is a choice of easy one day raft trips for fun or the more adventurous three day rafting / trekking trip through countryside scarcely touched by man. Experienced guides take guests rafting down the Sa'dan river on some of Sulawesi's best runs where grades four and five rapids guarantee excitement. It's high adventure and a chance to visit remot villages where a foreign face is a curiosity.



Mamasa / Toraja, meanwhile trekkers will find the three-day wilk from Toraja to Mamasa (West Toraja ) a journey back in time. While east Toraja has many tourists. Mamasa is still very much the way it always was - a more rugged version of Toraja. Less agricultural and with higher mountains, the air is appreciably cooler and waling is a pleasure. Trails lead through isolated villages for off the tourist route where traditional houses still use attap roofs and funerary tombs are carved in the shape of buffaloes. The clacking of handlooms can be heard echoing through the hills.

Bada Valley and Lore Lindu National ParkJust across the borders in Central Sulawesi is the Bada Valley where mysterious stone megaliths and jars are dotted across the valley floor. No-one knows the origins of these smoothly modeled figures whose benign faces look more like modern sculptures than very old statues. Above the Bada valley is the pristine Lore Lindu National Park whose 231.000 hectares is known for its dense lush forest, the best place to see Sulawesi,s bizarre endemic species like the babirusa (the pig dear), anoa and several species of Sulawesi macaques and saucer-eyed tarsiers. The forest is also home to numerous bird species including hornbills, and green imperial pigeons.

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