
ST.08: Trans SULAWESI ( 19 Days / 18 Nights )


Programs and Tours 

IQRA' TOURS (ITO) offers many more tailor made tours, throughout Sulawesi / Indonesia with a flexibility to suit your personal preferences and specific needs.
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ST-08: Trans - Sulawesi (19 days / 18 nights) 

Day 01Upon arrival at Hasanuddin Airport Makassar, transfer to your hotel. Dinner and overnight in hotel.
Day 02After breakfast, transfer to Bira. On the way we visit Tana Beru to see Buginese Pinisi boat-building. Accommodation and dinner in Bira.
Day 03After breakfast we set out in the direction of Watampone, visit the Museum of Andi Mappasisi and listen to stories of the former Bugis royal families. Lunch, dinner and overnight in Watampone.
Day 04After breakfast continue the journey to Sengkang, pausing in the afternoon to catch a beautiful view of the sunset over Lake Tempe. Today's tour will include a visit to a traditional silk factory. Lunch and a "selamat" dinner in our hotel.
Day 05After breakfast we start the picturesque drive to Mamasa, lunch in Polewali, a small Buginese harbour. In the afternoon a coffee break on the Puncak, and a scenic drive through tropical forests. Dinner and a cultural performances at our hotel in Mamasa.
Day 06After breakfast, a full day excursion around Mamasa. We will visit Rante BudaKampong Tawalian, and the village of Osanga. Also stopping at the weaving center in Rantesapu Bala for a picnic lunch. Dinner and overnight in hotel.
Day 07After breakfast, transfer to Toraja. Lunch en route at Polewali. An afternoon coffee break on the Puncak Lakwan taking in the panorama view. Arrival late afteernoon in Toraja. Dinner and overnight in hotel in Rantepao.
Day 08After breakfast, we set out on a full day excursion discovering Toraja. We will visit SuayaLondaLemo,Kete-Kesu and Nanggala. Lunch in Rantepao, dinner and overnight in hotel.
Day 09After breakfast, departure for Pendolo, a small village on the south shore of Lake Poso. A picnic lunch at the irrigation project nearby Palopo. Dinner and overnight in hotel.
Day 10After breakfast, we ferry across the crystal clear water of Lake Poso to Tentena for lunch, and a visit to Wera Salopa, a spectacular multi-stepped waterfall. Dinner and overnight in cottages.
Day 11After breakfast, we visit the Pamona caves. Lunch in hotel, free program for the afternoon. Barbeque dinner in the evening and overnight in cottages.
Day 12After breakfast, on the way to Paluwe visit the Sulewana Waterfall, a set of steep rapids one kliometre long. Lunch in Poso, arrival late afternon in Palu.
Day 13After breakfast, a full day tour to Donggala, with the first stop at Kampong Leretraditional house of Joyo Kodi, the former king of the Kaili People. This is will be followed by a walk through a fishing village and lunch on a sandy beach nearby Donggala. After lunch we take you on a city tour of Donggala in a horse-drawn Bendi. Back to Palu for dinner and overnight. to see the
Day 14After beakfast, we set out to Gorontalo, pausing in several villages to see local life. Arrival late in the aftenoon in Gorontalo, where Dutch architecture is still in evidence. Dinner and overnight in Gorontalo. Today we have crossed the equator.
Day 15After breakfast, we set out towards Manado, the capital city of North Sulawesi. Lunch en route. We pass picturesque villages, white sandy beaches, coconut and clove plantations, arriving in Manado by late afternoon. Dinner and overnight in hotel.
Day 16After breakfast, we cruise by motorized canoe to the island of Bunaken to dive in one of the worls' most beautiful sea gardens. Tour includes snorkel and fins, and lunch on a white sandy beach near Bunaken. Dinner and overnight in hotel.
Day 17After breakfast, we start with a city tour of Manado followed by a drive on up to the Minahasa Highlands. We will visit Tomohon, a town situated between two active volcanoes, and see Japanese caves, built during the Second World War. Dinner and overnight in Sonder. This village is located about 355 km outside Manado and enjoys a cooler climate.
Day 18Free program for one day. Lunch, dinner and overnight in Sonder.
Day 19After breakfast, transfer to Sam Ratulangi Airport. Departure for your next destination.

Please Click "Email"  For Making Reservation !

IQRA' Tour Organizer
Makassar - South Sulawesi

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